Signed in as:
PLEASE NOTE: The following is provided for general information purposes only, and may NOT be construed as legal advice.
Removal Defense can take on many different forms. It encompasses representing clients in hearings before the Immigration Judge, as well as, representing clients who already may have an order of removal and who are being processed for deportation by immigration enforcement authorities.
You are placed in removal proceedings by the filing of a charging document called a Notice To Appear. The Notice to Appear document contains a set of accusations of facts against you, as well as, the specific section of the immigration law that makes you removable from the U.S. You must answer to these charges contained in the Notice to Appear.
Additionally, if you are found removable, then you need to apply for an application for relief from removal. Some of the applications for relief from removal which are filed in removal proceedings include, but are not limited to, application for permanent residence, application for asylum, application for cancellation of removal, etc.
Please contact the Law Office of Steve Bae today so that we may provide you a detailed and personalized representation in defending against your removal from the United States.